
At the hkp///group Global ExecuNet, we believe that data is the key to success. As a member-based network, we provide you with access to valuable information about the global compensation market. This market intelligence is crucial for attracting, retaining, and rewarding your key employees.

Global ExecuNet connects you with global and regional peer companies. This enables you to share, learn, compare, and evaluate your own people management actions on a worldwide scale. Our network allows you to tap into the collective knowledge and experience of your peers, giving you the market overview you need to make informed decisions.

Save the date for our upcoming chapter meetings. These annual gatherings are fantastic opportunities to engage with industry leaders, expand your network, and gain valuable insights. Here are the details:

Save the Date: Global ExecuNet Annual Chapter Meetings

  • European Chapter Meeting: October 16th and 17th. Amsterdam
  • Asian chapter meeting (China focus): October 25th. Virtual
  • Asian chapter meeting (APAC focus): November 1st. Singapore, Intercontinental Hotel
  • IMEA chapter meeting: December 5th. Dubai