hkp/// RemuNet portals are the online professional communities we build and maintain for Charter Survey Networks.
Because we build and maintain portals to the specific needs of the Networks we administer, our portals deliver ‘qualified peer' intelligence directly answering the needs of the Network Members and individual users. And since the users themselves are 'pre-qualified' as informed professional in their fields, they are the reliable sources who help build libraries of intelligence for fellow Network Members to share.
As professional online platforms for “Peer to Peer” exchanges, our portals are solutions for industry specific associations or industry groups, who use them to quickly gain intelligence, community exchange, and build reciprocity for their own association members. hkp/// RemuNet couple this with our methodologies and facilitation that streamlines the process for associations and their administrators to professionally realize their ‘Portal’, without the time and costs normally associated with validated data exchange and community interaction
* Photo by Sergey Pesterev on Unsplash
Author Ernst M. van der Linden

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