Become a management consultant?

Start your career at the market leader for strategic HR & Corporate Governance Advisory in Frankfurt and Amsterdam!

CEOs, supervisory boards and HR directors know us

What about you?

The hkp/// group advises listed companies, top brands and hidden champions in the areas of corporate governance, human capital management and remuneration. To do this, we rely on diverse, bright minds. For this reason, the ability to learn, analytical competence and passion for content are more important to us than the subject of study.

You haven't heard anything about our topics at university?

Don't worry: In a helpful team and alongside renowned experts, you will experience a steep learning curve and develop into a sought-after consultant in three years – and all doors are open to you: in management consulting and in companies.

The mixture of extensive data analysis and, building up on this, giving advice to international corporates is my passion – and it’s our success factor.

Barry Kitz
Started as a Consultant,
today he is hkp/// group Senior Director

Those who start in consulting often develop faster than in a corporation. Because we are called when things get challenging.

Nina Grochowitzki
Started as a Consultant,
today she is hkp/// group Partner

Consulting always means new challenges. Every project is unique. I was thrilled right from the start!

David Voggeser
Started as a Consultant,
today he is hkp/// group Partner

Always new questions, company situations and contacts offer the opportunity to acquire a lot of experience and expertise.

Dr. Pia Lünstroth
Started as a Consultant,
today she is hkp/// group Partner

Diversity makes us smart

Who are we?

Becoming the market leader for strategic HR management consulting and corporate governance advisory in just 10 years - that can only be achieved with a top team.
We are analytical forward thinkers from a wide range of disciplines and fields of study: business administration, economics, mathematics and physics or philosophy and English studies - diverse perspectives make us strong. What they all have in common is that they love discussing content, have an attitude, and appreciate working and celebrating in a team.

At this point there are actually videos. To see them, please adjust your cookie settings clicking here and enabling "Videos (vimeo)" in the video settings.

We turn compensation into an effective corporate strategy tool, we digitize HR management, and we make sure that companies position themselves efficiently, effectively, and future-proof with the right strategy in talent and performance management. We take care of this in cooperation with our clients: Executive Boards, Supervisory Boards, Board Offices as well as HR and Compensation Managers.

Areas of expertise

What are our topics?

Compensation is more than money; it also conveys corporate strategy and sometimes reflects social developments. We ensure that equal rights also become a corporate reality in the form of equal pay.

Employee data is highly sensitive, and its management and analysis with the help of appropriate IT systems harbor a wide range of potential for corporate management and business. The selection and change of a system are major projects in corporate groups, which we support.

Ideally, compensation reflects the corporate strategy and thus answers the question of who is rewarded for which goals and how. A wide range of instruments such as bonuses is available for this purpose. We find the right tools for every company.

A company's talent strategy ensures that organizations are and remain fit for the future. Where does a company need which skills tomorrow? This is a critical question that can be answered with appropriate development paths for employees.

Successful companies make the best possible use of their employees' potential. How to recognize this potential or give employees the opportunity to express and develop their skills is therefore of great importance.

Facts about hkp/// group

Our organization in numbers

Your application

How do you become part of the team?

The process

What happens when?


Career website. Congratulations – with your visit to the first step has already be taken.


Your application. The job offer will take you to the applicant form, where you can upload your documents - you don't need a cover letter!

In a week:

Live video interview. Now it's about getting to know each other personally via video call.

In two to three weeks:

hkp/// experience. Get to know potential team members at the hkp/// group Office Frankfurt and work on exciting project-related tasks.

In four weeks:

Employment. Welcome aboard!


From day one, you will get introductions to all the topics and tools you need for your job.

A good Deal

What do we offer?

Professional development guaranteed: Through well designed onboarding and the step-by-step takeover of responsibility.

With us, you develop through performance, not through jobs that become available by chance.

Where will I be in three years? What does it take to get ahead? Our transparent career framework answers questions like these.

For us, helpfulness and team spirit count - not an elbow mentality. Together we work for success - and we also celebrate it!

Laughing, enjoying, celebrating or exercising together - our regular team events offer something for everyone.

Would you like to fulfil a dream after three years and travel the world? No problem.

Internal and external training ensures your professional development.

Good work needs good tools. We not only offer laptops and Arbeitshandys, but also first-class support.

Vitamins, chocolate kicks and various hot and cold drinks are available. We also offer weekly Lunch & Learn meetings.

Our Frankfurt office in Tower 185 is located centrally and offers you numerous lunch options and a breathtaking view.

Free travel in Frankfurt and the surrounding area – with the sponsored Job Ticket.

Benefit from exclusive employee discounts on clothing, travel and much more.

The 3x3 career model

What you can achieve with us.

Consulting career with team spirit and commitment

What makes #hkpCareer unique?

Passion for content, team spirit and a large portion of craziness – that's what makes us special.
We don't just advise, we shape: Together with leading experts from business and science, we develop groundbreaking impulses on current issues - from ethical challenges in the use of artificial intelligence to the anchoring of social and ecological sustainability goals.
At hkp/// group, you won't get lost in the crowd, but get the chance to get involved. You develop much faster than in companies or consulting tankers. And in contrast to these, there was not a single job cut in our company during the Corona crisis.

At this point there are actually videos. To see them, please adjust your cookie settings clicking here and enabling "Videos (vimeo)" in the video settings.

Your development

Employees and alumni report

The quality standards at hkp/// group are very high. My years at hkp/// group have made this claim to my own work become second nature, which has helped me a lot in all subsequent jobs.

Kathrin Lemmes, Head of Talent & Learning, ING Germany
From 2015 to 2018 at hkp/// group – most recently as Manager

At hkp/// group, you are growing bit by bit into management consulting. First of all, you get the necessary tools to be able to do justice to topics and tasks. And over time, the responsibility for projects grows and you get leadership responsibility. This allowed me to develop from graduate and analyst to senior manager. A challenging, instructive, but also very funny time!

Leon Jacob, Group Head of Talent & Leadership Development, Zur Rose Group
With hkp/// group until 2021 – most recently as Senior Manager

I always look back on my time at hkp/// group with a smile. We had great team spirit, exciting tasks and a lot of variety. I learned a lot - not only professionally, but also personally - that I can still use in my job today. For me, this is the ideal way to get started.

Dr. Nina Röper, Vice President Corporate Development, Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA
With hkp/// group until 2017 – most recently as Senior Consultant

As a consultant, you are usually called upon when there is a specific challenge to solve. In numerous projects both in Germany and abroad, for DAX corporations and large medium-sized companies, I have been able to experience all facets of compensation management. There is no better way to take on responsibility in a company.

Sebastian Wetzel, Head of Global Compensation, Siemens Energy
With hkp/// group until 2017 – most recently as Manager
Sabrina Müsel und Andrew Thain

All about culture: Consulting-Karriere à la hkp/// group

Sabrina Müsel und Andrew Thain starteten vor sechs Jahren ihre #hkpCareer. Beide sind heute in Führungsverantwortung. Im Interview mit sprechen sie über ihre Themen, ihre Entwicklung und die hkp/// group. » Details

Case Study Event

Eine erkenntnisreiche Reise in den Beratungsalltag

Unternehmen in ihrer strategischen Entwicklung zu begleiten, dafür die Konzepte zu entwerfen und auch maßgeblich an deren Umsetzung mitzuwirken – das konnten Studierende im Rahmen eines Case Study Events kennenlernen. Leben und Arbeiten in der führenden Unternehmensberatung für Themen an der Schnittstelle von Corporate Governance, Strategie, HR, Finance und Transformation im deutschsprachigen Raum.

Karriere als Data Analyst

Karriere als Data Analyst

Daten und Kennzahlen helfen, Sachverhalte zu verstehen und einzuordnen Sie dienen auch in der Unternehmensberatung als Grundlage für Entscheidungen, wobei die rechtzeitige, systematische und umfassende Aufbereitung relevanter Fakten und Zusammenhänge für die Erarbeitung, Evaluierung und Kommunikation von Lösungen unerlässlich ist. Doch wie sieht die Tätigkeit von Data Analysts konkret aus? Ein Gespräch mit den hkp/// group Experten für HR Analytics und Compensation Insights, Sonja Jahn und Jonas Beier. » Details

Uni Göttingen

Business Case für Top-Studierende der Uni Göttingen

Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen konnten Ende Mai die eigenen analytischen Fähigkeiten und ihren strategischen Weitblick auf den Prüfstand stellen. Speziell für sie gestaltete die hkp/// group im Rahmen eines Business Case Seminars rund zwei Tage voll mit Input, Diskussion, Präsentation und Networking. Kern des Einblicks in den Beratungsalltag war – begleitet von fachkundigen hkp/// group ExpertInnen – die Entwicklung und Präsentation einer HR-Strategie für einen DAX-Konzern in der Transformationsphase. Zusätzlich konnten sich Teilnehmer mit hkp/// group Consultants unterschiedlicher Karrierestufen austauschen.


Was für Erwartungen habt Ihr an das neue Jahr 2022?

Was für Erwartungen habt Ihr vielleicht auch an Eure #Karriere, an potenzielle #Arbeitgeber und Aufgaben? Über Eure Insights freuen wir uns!
Für alle, die sich einen Start oder gar eine Zukunft im #Consulting vorstellen können: vielleicht wäre die #hkpCareer ja eine Option. Alle Infos gibt es auf - wir stehen Euch aber auch hier, bei LinkedIn und Twitter oder per Mail und Telefon Rede und Antwort (alle Kontaktmöglichkeiten auf der Website).
Egal, was Ihr Euch vorgenommen habt oder welche Erwartungen Ihr habt: Wir wünschen Euch hierfür viel Glück, Gesundheit, Kreativität!


#ZusammenGegenCorona – eine tolle Aktion!

Bei der hkp/// group haben wir eine #Impfquote von 100 Prozent, wobei wir als Unternehmen bei mehr als der Hälfte der Mitarbeitenden bei der #Impfung behilflich sein konnten. Seit einiger Zeit ist unser Büro auf freiwilliger #2G-Regelung und jetzt halt wieder „all you can #Homeoffice“.
Solidarität und Gesundheitsschutz (sowohl für sich selbst als auch für andere) tun nicht weh. Lasst Euch impfen!
...und checkt mal die Möglichkeiten der #hkpCareer auf